Price List:
(Prices reflected below and on the available kitten page are without any qualified discounts. Most cats fall somewhere in the middle of the ranges listed.
$2000-2500. Depends upon on coat quality, ear set, overall proportions and color.
$2000-$2500. Depends upon coat quality, ear set, tightness of ear curl, overall proportions and color.
$3000-3600. Depends on coat quality, ear set, overall proportions and color and shortness.
$3500-4200. Depends upon coat quality, ear set, tightness of ear curl, overall proportions, color, and shortness.
*** We do have odd-eyed kittens with some regularly and they are the rarest of an already exotic breed - spectacular to be sure!! Statistically about one in every 100 for sphynx and nearly incalculable for bambino and dwelf kittens (we have had a reputable veterinarian / prior cat show judge tell us 1:6,000 bambino to 1:10,000 approx. with dwelfs with Bambino and that is solid colored kittens with odd eyes) as they are so rare just by themselves. With color on their skin it is even less by a huge percentage and we have had two of these in the last year. We are blessed and so happy to be able to bring these beauties to people who have really been waiting for one with healthy breed lines, love and care. They are priced on an individual basis, though it starts at $1000 on top of regular pricing. It has taken us years to develop this healthy option for the qualified public. .
We do offer 10 % appreciation discounts here are the details:
Discounts can’t be combined or multiplied. One offer per customer, please.
A doctor diagnosed prescription for social/emotional support animal (esa) or feline/dander allergies.
Teachers (yes, homeschool qualifies with proof)
Medical personnel
Multi-kitten discount
At Adora Sphynx we would love to thank you for your service and sacrifice to others, so to honor this we offer a 10% appreciation discount off the purchase of your first kitten to the above listed. And, yes, of course, retirees of these fields qualify....where would we be without your service? Thanks for all the wisdom and freedoms you have given. That makes your sphynx kitten significantly more affordable, example: $2000 sphynx with a 10% discount is now $1800!
Sphynx are very social animals and very often do better with another sphynx around. With that said we adore seeing litter mates stay together if your family can properly care for and wants to have this much goofy hairless fun 24/7 x two or more, we offer a 15% discount if you buy a pair or multiple from the same litter. Example: 2 kittens at the $2000 price are normally $4000 if purchased at different times. If you purchased at same time from same litter or from "sister" litters (ie: both going home within 1 month of each other and we can work out delivery together for 1 fee/ or pick up) you can apply the 15% discount., which works out to be $1700 EACH!! a total of $3400 for two kittens. On some sites that is the cost of a little more than ONE kitten and you are receiving Two SHOW quality, health guaranteed, registered, fully spoiled and loved kittens! Or consider it that a lot of sites charge so much ...but with Adora your getting a second sphynx for about $700 more with our pairs discount... feel free to fact check me. Over 90% of people who get an Adora Kitten return for a brother or sister to the first kitten within 2 yrs. I LOVE keeping siblings or cousins that are born near the same time together it makes for very happy cats, so I do ALL I can to discount them to have this happen. If you have always wanted two and you can plan ahead, we suggest using my weakness to your advantage and If you have always wanted two and you can plan ahead, we suggest getting them at the same time and saving as big as possible.
Discounts can’t be combined or multiplied. One offer per customer, please.
What is a waiting list?
This is a list of prospective families that are committed to bringing home a beautiful healthy Adora Sphynx baby as soon as one becomes available. Some people ask if they can deposit on two kittens and yes, you can deposit on the same list twice ie: you want two kittens from same litter or you can deposit on a bambino and a Sphynx litter at the same time holding multiple positions at once.
How does the list work?
There is a small deposit required to be placed on our cattery's waiting list. The deposit for our waiting list is $150. This is the standard for placements on the waiting and it ensures pick of litter before the kittens are placed for adoption to those who might just have lucky timing and who have not been waiting not on the waiting list. Wait List is $150 deposit ($100 is applicable or transferable and is applied to the adoption price, $50 is for fees our fees incured.) to future selection. This amount is applied towards the balance of the kitten once selected. Once waitlist deposit is received a receipt of this $150 is sent with your ranking on the list to the phone number or email file. Pick of the litter is determined by your ranking within the waiting list. PICK OF THE LITTER / place in line will not be bought , as with some catteries. If you choose to pass on-a litter and all below you also pass your number still moves up accordingly on the list for next pick. Adorasphynx contacts you once the litter is born (via text or email) and the selection of kitten is done 4-6 weeks after birth (once the coat color has set). The day you choose your kitten, the remaining amount of the deposit is due that day. I will batch the contracts and it is sent via email, generally within 3 buisness days. Our waiting list deposit can be placed via PayPal /( or Vemo by request) and a 3% convenience fee is included from those companies. A PayPal Button can be accessed on our website at the bottom of my available kittens page, use the waitlist dropdown option. Cashiers check to our PO BOX is also an option, however please contact for more information on this process.
Is waitlist deposit refundable/transferable?
If you no longer want to be on the waiting list or if you don't find a kittens that meets your needs within that litter, the wait list deposit is transferable to the next pregnant Queen. You may also pass on a litter and then it stays (you move up accordingly) and applies to the next litter if you choose to remain on that Queens list or don’t contact us back. The deposit is not refundable, it is however transferable.
Thanks so much for wanting to add a wonderful, healthy, loving Adora baby to your family! Don’t hesitate it email, text, or call me for questions. - Leta with Adora Sphynx
* If you don’t pick a kitten and remain on our list for one Queen, or transfer to another Queen, after 3 total waitlist cycles and passes your waitlist position and $100 deposit are forfeited. You will will be aware of this as I will note this is your final pass/ forfeit litter. This assures fairness to others and that you cannot forever hold a #1 position in the line if you don't choose or if you don't ever return contact to us.
The standard payment options are: reserve your kitten and the additinal $600 non-refundable/ applicable deposit for, a sphynx as an example, (we accept PayPal, Venmo) cashiers check, cash) and:
Then pay the balance by PayPal /Venmo three weeks prior to pick up ( kittens leave at 12-16 weeks most generally or
Cashiers check three weeks in advance of delivery to allow for veterinary appointments, travel arrangements, banking, etc. on sellers end.
OR if needed, pre-arranged a month in advance to pick up and local only - we will accept Cash only, the day of pick up local to the KC metro. No checks or other payment is excepted the day of delivery /pick up.
If needed, simple payment plan available:
After your $600 choosing and applied deposit, another $600 is due when the kitten is 8 -9 weeks old, depending on when your payday is ...(hey, we get it, life is expensive! And we are flexible and work with you within reason.) any monies you send will be applied and are non-refundable and applied to kitten cost/price. Then final payment /balance, less any PayPal /Venmo fees or discount if you qualify, is due by PayPal / Venmo or Cashiers check three weeks in advance of delivery to allow for veterinary appointments, travel arrangement, banking, etc. The kittens are ready to go to their forever homes when the kitten is about 14-16 weeks old after it is spay/neutered. You may make another pmt. if needed, at 10-11 weeks as well. Just call me and we will discuss what works for your budget.
Call me if you have any questions as regarding payment. I do not want a kitten in an unstable situation so if something unexpected happens call me and we will discuss options. We are reasonable people who operate very transparently and we know life can throw some curveballs.
When a kitten flies out we will be in close contact, just as we will if we are driving to meet and we will work out the specifics as far as exact timeline.
There are 4 delivery options available-
Pick Up: You must be the one to pick up your furless baby around the Kansas City area. No additional charge.
* Also, we live fairly close to KCI- Kansas-city international airport -so for example from Minneapolis /St. Paul, Denver, Dallas, Chicago, Las Vegas, St. Loius, Boston, Atlanta,Tampa, are all approx. $200-250 round trip for adopters to fly in and get their babies and yes, we meet at the airport (KCI/MCI) for free.
Car Delivery: I will drive up to 1 hour ish for free in the Kansas city metro. After that first 2 hours
we will drive to deliver/meet you at your additional cost of $1 per mile each way to cover my time, gasoline and care and comfort of the kitten. This can be set up with us individually and this cost is also due 3 weeks prior to delivery.
During COVID pet cargo delivery has ceased due to flight restrictions, you may still fly to Kansas yourself and pick up your kitten and we will meet you at KCI for free. ****
****During COVID hand delivery has ceased due to flight restrictions, you may still fly to Kansas yourself and pick up your kitten and we will meet you at KCI for free. ****
Hand delivery: ASK we can discuss this on a case by case basis depending on lacation and situation. Adora sphynx will fly to many major US airports (per my schedule and yours) and hand-deliver your kitten at the airport if needed. This is an additional $850 as long as overnight stay isn't required. We hand deliver our own cats and NEVER use cargo or pet nannies.
*Prices are marked on kittens on the availability page. Prices are displayed without any discounts that may and often are applicable.

Waitlist button- get on the reservation list! $155(includes the 3% release fee)