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CONTRACT for Adoption/Purchase: 


BELOW is SAMPLE contract for adopters information;  anything highlighted in white you, the adopter fill out after I send you yours with all the blanks/dates/details filled in.  - Leta with Adora Sphynx, LLC 


***This contract is to protect the pet, the buyer, as well as the seller. Once you receive a contract please read it, fill it out, initial, sign and return via email within 3 days. Please keep a copy for your records. Please also text me when you send it back. Congrats - Leta w Adora


Prices are pet only:
Sphynx/ elf kitten/ Bambino : 

Adoption fee:


Retired Breeder is $ NA for pet.

Odd eyed kittens or cats: priced on a case by case basis, $. For pet
If kitten is found to be odd eyed prior to delivery, this contract can be revisited by seller

including price and /or

Kitten can be kept by Adora Sphynx as a

breeder or show cat and retention of kitten. If so deposit, will be refunded and /or

applied to another kitten of your choice at this time or the or in next available litter: $. for pet
*** Please note that we reserve the right to keep any kitten that is later discovered to have odd eyes. If we do decide to adopt out the kitten, the above prices will increase.

Breeder may not be able to distinguish the colors of eyes during the first few weeks after birth. If kitten is found to have odd eyes and we do decide to adopt out the kitten,

the Buyer will be notified and will be given these options:

1) to purchase said kitten for a higher amount or decline the purchase.

2) If Buyer chooses to decline the purchase, Buyers deposit will be refunded in full or if available can be applied to another available kitten or next available litter.

Adora Sphynx contract for pet purchase

Breeder/seller: Leta Rogers PO box 537
Gardner, Ks.





: Email:

Description of Cat / Kitten- 


Sphynx Color: 

Sex: M/F and spay or neuter is scheduled __________ 


Sire:      Dame:

Deposit: $ amt received/applied

Adjusted Pet Price/ balance: what is due _________(minus discount and less deposit applied) Due ___________, so approx. three -four weeks prior to anticipated pick up via instant paypal/ venmo or special arrangement certified cashiers check call for details if needing the Cahiers check option (Initial)_______________

Optional Transportation, local - Airlines flight (additional to be paid in full by buyer Minimum 3-4

weeks prior to delivery to allow for travel and veterinary arrangements ): $  KC has been agreed upon. We will drive to meet in metro. area for free/no

delivery fee. 

Optional driving delivery $1 per mile (up to 3 hrs. Round trip) : $ . local pick up agreed complementary, local included.

upon- Adora sphynx representative agreed to meet in _________and includes this meet up

the delivery in price, once kitten is released from Spay/ Neuter by the veterinarian, expected approx. _______per veterinarian release,  with healing time _____

spay/neuter is scheduled _________Kittens are generally released 7-14 days later but no sooner

than 3 days for healing and the veterinarians ok / release. 

Owed at time of Delivery: $_not local KC residents to metro , due__________ ,If PayPal /venmo needs

to be sent (and it must include their 3% fee and) be sent by above date. 3 -4 weeks prior to the scheduled veterinarian appointments.

date. (Initial)____________

To the Buyer-

The conditions of this sale are as follows:

(1) The price of the above kitten/cat includes the above US non-refundable deposit due

for reservation of kitten/cat. Unless the kitten is a local (less than 60 miles from the

Kansas City metro pick up/drop off, the balance shall be paid in full 3-4 weeks prior ( by 7/7/21) to

the delivery date to allow for an appointment, vet checks, payments to clear, etc. If the cat is

flying to its new home,or driving, not local  the balance is due three weeks prior to the delivery date to allow for

veterinary and flight appointments to take place. If it is a local transaction, cash only the
day of delivery is fine.

(2) The seller provides a 72 hours limited guarantee that the above kitten/cat is in good

health at the time of purchase. It is the responsibility of the buyer to take the kitten/cat to

a licensed veterinarian within this time for a thorough examination. Failure to have the

kitten/cat checked by a licensed veterinarian will void the guarantee. It is recommended that

the kitten/cat be quarantined for a period of 14 days before being introduced to other

cats/animals in your household. If the kitten/cat has been determined by a licensed

veterinarian, within this 72 hours and this is provided in writing to the seller, to have anything that is genetically wrong with it, the seller will replace it with a kitten of equal value when one becomes available. There will be no money refunded. The seller has the right to have a second opinion by a vet of his/her choice prior to deciding to make the replacement. Transportation and return of the kitten cost and all veterinary costs are the responsibility of the buyer.______________(Initial)

(3). If the cat\ kitten is found within the first 72 hrs. to be medically deficient with an

untreatable or life-threatening congenital problem, this must be reported to the Seller immediately. Research suggests that over 90% of all cats are carriers for the herpes


This virus is airborne, can live on surfaces and is generally thought by veterinarians to

cause the vast majority of cat and kitten common colds. Purebreds ( all purebred cats are more susceptible) sphynx are even more susceptible, in my humble opinion, due to hairless

nature and heat loss. This is NOT a congenital or genetic defect, just a known risk to the breed, like needing regular dental care/ tooth brushing, and baths. We are extremely lucky to

have very few colds ever here and all of our Queens and Kings have negative status on

file with our veterinarian. This is very similar to human adults that have shingles expression of

the chicken pox as evidence of chicken pox exposure. ___________(initial)

If kitten is found deficient with an untreatable or life-threatening congenital problem,

a signed statement from a licensed veterinarian as well as copies of any

and all supporting diagnosis and/or documents is required to qualify for any exchange/replacement. If

an untreatable or life-threatening problem is found, the Buyer has the choice to return

the animal for a replacement with all returning and receiving of replacement fees being

paid by buyer. Upon its return, it will be replaced with a kitten/cat of equal value. If no replacement kitten/cat is available at the time of return, the Seller will have one year to furnish a comparable kitten/cat. Transportation and all veterinary costs are the responsibility of the Buyer. The Seller retains the right to have a second opinion of a Vet of their choice. If after reporting any adverse conditions, the Buyer may choose to keep

the kitten/cat thereby assuming all financial responsibilities. This health guarantee

applies only to actual medical conditions that are life threatening and will not include any

cosmetic conditions or conditions that are considered to be non life threatening to a

feline/Sphynx. After the 72 hour health guarantee period the seller cannot be held accountable for future diagnosis of FeLV/FIV/FIP, any bacterial or viral infectious

disease, parasites or fungus; due to the fact that these can be contracted anywhere in
the environment after leaving the cattery and are not a result of genetics or breeding.

The FIP guarantee will be void if said kitten is given the FIP vaccination. Buyer accepts all responsibility for the protection of cat from said diseases, illnesses, parasites and fungi.


(4) Adora Sphynx offers a guarantee/protection against Hereditary/Congenital HCM on

the kittens first 1 year of life. If, your kitten is diagnosed with HCM, an increased risk in

all Sphynx/ bambino / elf’s, we will not refund you the cost of your cat/kitten but will

replace your cat/kitten of similar type and quality when one is such available with buyer paying cost of delivery of replacement. HCM must be diagnosed with Ultrasound of approved veterinarian with a specialty is cardiology. A signed statement from a licensed veterinarian certified in cardiology as well as copies of any and all supporting diagnosis

and/or documents is required to qualify for any exchange. If said untreatable problem is

found, the Buyer has the choice to return the animal for a replacement with all returning

and receiving of replacement fees being paid by buyer, all vet records and Tica/cfa paperwork must also accompany any returned kitty to our cattery. Upon its return, it will be

replaced with a kitten/cat of equal value. If no replacement kitten/cat is available at the

the time of return, the Seller will have one year to furnish a comparable kitten/cat or

refund the price minus non-refundable deposit after the year is up.

Transportation of replacement and all veterinary costs are the responsibility of the Buyer. The Seller retains the right to have a second opinion by a veterinarian of their

choice. If after reporting any adverse conditions, the Buyer may choose to keep the

kitten/cat thereby assuming all financial responsibilities. This health guarantee applies

only to actual medical conditions that are life threatening such as HCM and will not

include any cosmetic conditions or conditions that are considered to be common, non life thretening to the
Sphynx/ or felines.

(5) This kitten(s)/cat is guaranteed against life-threatening congenital defects for one year

from the date on this contract. If the kitten should die within the guaranteed one year, the seller has the right to request an autopsy to be paid for by the buyer, be performed

to determine the cause of death. We will not refund you the cost of your cat/kitten but will

replace your cat/kitten of similar type and quality when one is such available with buyer

paying the cost of delivery of replacement. The fatal congenital defect must be diagnosed

at your cost with a board-certified approved veterinarian. A signed statement from a licensed

veterinarian as well as copies of any and all supporting diagnosis

and/or documents is required to qualify for any replacement if you choose to request a replacement.

(6) the buyer agrees to provide a safe, loving indoor-only home that includes: high-

quality cat/kitten food, a clean litter box, clean bowls, clean bedding and clean drinking water to the adopted animal(s). The buyer also agrees to standard and, if needed, emergency veterinary care of kitten/ cat for as long as it lives. If the buyer cannot maintain this environment for the cat/kitten they agreed to contact Adora Sphynx for help and surrender of the animal/ first right of refusal.

(7) Kittens will have their appropriate combination vaccinations for their age at the

of leaving the cattery. Kittens get booster shots every 3-4 weeks starting at age

4-6 weeks old. It is very important to follow up with your vet and stay on track with the

vaccinations. If you do not stay reasonably on track with vaccinations, within a week to
ten days, that voids the one-year congenital health guarantee.
(8) Under NO circumstances will this animal be declawed or decoratively tattooed. Declawing an animal,

for all intents and purposes, is amputation at the first knuckle. Doing this can interfere with the cats ability to or their ability to want to use the litter box, as it can cause pain in the


box. If we find out that you have declawed  or tattooed the animal, it is breach of this contract and

we will reclaim the animal at your return cost. Feline Leukemia and FIP Inoculation is very dangerous to your kitten/cat and could

cause death. Please do your own research. Contract will be void if kitten/cat shall receive either of the above stated vaccines. The
hairless breed is known to have heart issues and you must be aware and agree to the special needs of this unique breed. Thus, by default , in completing this adoption the buyer acknowledges these health issues. It is NOT the breeders responsibility to educate the buyer about the breed. It is the buyers responsibility to educate themselves on their kitten / cats and information that maybe needed arising from adopting an purebred/ exotic breed. Please see your veterinarian for additional guidance.

________ (Initial)
9). As the seller, we have the right to refuse and/or cancel sale at any given time, or

reason, as we see fit. You also understand that the hairless breed is an indoor cat only.

And under no circumstance shall the kitten/cat be declawed or tattooed. By doing so is Automatic breach of contract and immediate surrender to breeder. ______________(initial) (10) Seller has the conditional right to reclaim kitten/cat without refund of purchase
price for any breach of contract. Breach of this contract will have a penalty fee which is

equal to the purchase price of the above kitten/cat. (unless breach is under sections of the

spay - neuter clauses, these breaches hold a stiffer fine, as noted) Under no

circumstances will this cat/kitten be sold, leased or given away to any pet store. If for

any reason you cannot retain ownership of said animal, the breeder shall be given the first

right of refusal.

(11) Any legal action which may arise under the terms of this contract will be brought in

Gardner, Kansas, Johnson County, USA. Buyer shall be liable for any court costs and

related charges including attorney fees associated with the seller enforcing the terms of

this contract. In signing this document, Buyer acknowledges that he/she has read, understands and agrees to ALL of the terms and conditions stated above.

(12) Signatures and dates below indicate full agreement to ALL terms set forth in this

contract. No other warranties or guarantees are provided other than those specifically

outlined above. The above signed consider this document to be legally binding.

Changes additions to this Contract must be initialed by all parties.

(13) Please note: No feline is completely hairless and the sphynx color can sometimes

change due to climate, exposure, hormones, etc. This kitten is sold representing Its

color at the time of contract and our best-educated guess. Eye color can change until up to 6 or 7 months of age. This

is understood as well as it is understood that the degree of hairlessness of the Sphynx

cat varies from cat to cat and sometimes from season to season. No Sphynx is truly completely hairless. Some degree of hair is normal. Hormones and genetics play an

important role in degree of hairlessness and even though a kitten may be almost

hairless when it is sold, it is possible that the kitten could develop some hair after being neutered/spayed or, as it grows older. It is impossible to guarantee that any breeds

categorized as a hairless kittens or cats will not grow hair at some point and time.

(initial)________ _

(14) I (the buyers ,initials) _________agree to have the kitten/ cat, that I purchased from Leta Rogers, and Adora Sphynx cattery spayed/neutered prior to leaving the cattery. IF for

some reason the cat has to leave the cattery prior to spay or neuter, due to weight or

age, I understand that I do NOT have the right to breed this kitten. I also understand

that I will receive the pedigree papers when I provide proof that this kitten has been

spayed/neutered. Any breech of this contract can result in the seller taking repossession

of the cat. It is then your responsibility to get said kitten spayed/neutered. Even if you become unable to care for said kitten and need to re-turn him/ her to Adora Sphynx. You will be held liable on getting the proper documentation to The seller to prove that said kitten has been spayed/neutered. Your vets information is not acceptable as proof. I will NOT contact your vet in order to get this proof. You must provide it to me. A copy of the receipt with the pets name, dob, and breed on it works best for this. You can email it to me or even take a picture and text it to me.

(15) You do not have the right to sell

or re home said kitten for any reason. If special circumstances arise that hinder your

ability to care for your pet, please call me and we will work together to find the best

solution for the cat/kitten. It is also stated above that if you are unable to care for said

kitten then Adora Sphynx (Leta Rogers) will be notified and have the option on getting said kitten

Adora sphynx cattery requires a $400 non- refundable deposit to reserve a Sphynx

kitten/cat or a $600 non-refundable deposit to reserve a bambino or elf kitten or cat. Any monies placed/sent for a

kitten are non-refundable.

This deposit and any additional payments or monies paid will go towards the total agreed-upon price.

If said kitten is returned or buyer request the contract be canceled, for any reason,

there is an additional of $ 600 fee for a Sphynx and a $900 re-homing fee for a bambino/elfs /dwelfs/ odd eyed felines. This

is due at contract cancellation. If the non-refundable deposit was paid and additional monies or payments,

were made they will be forfeit for the care, feeding, veterinary cost and rehoming of the animal.

(16) This cat or kitten is being sold as a pet or altered show pet only and not for

breeding purposes. If seller does not have spay/neuter certificates in hand after 6

months of age, there is a fine of $8,000 (this is a fine and still does not give buyer any

breeding rights) and the contract will be turned over to our attorney and buyer agrees to

pay all fees incurred by Leta Rogers and /or Adora Sphynx.

(17) I sincerely ask of you that if you are unable to care for said kitten for any reason please

contact me and let me help. I will do all I can to find the pet safely back to our cattery or find

the pets best options. I will work with you on this for a solution that is in the pets best interest.

I will enforce this contract as the law will allow me to so. If the kitten/cat is sold to you as a

show cat, we cannot guarantee their performance in the ring or how they will develop as they grow or even if they will tolerate it. Although some cats are show quality, not all

cats enjoys that environment.
Thank you so much for your cooperation and choosing to love an Adora Sphynx baby!

Buyer(s):____________________________________ Date:_______________

Seller:_____Leta /sample__________________________________

Date: ___sample____________ 


Sample  Sample  Sample 

Leta Rogers-Animal Lover/Owner

(913) 206-6417          (913) 244-1086


© 2017-2021

 by Adorasphynx  No part of this website or PICTURES may be reproduced  or USED without the express written consent of  Adora Sphynx Cattery LLC 

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